Saturday, August 11, 2007

How it all began

Yesterday at work I was reading some of my friends blogs. They were pretty hilarious, and looked like something fun to do. So I decided to make one too. A blog is a neat thing. I was on a mission for the past 2 years, and when I came home, there were all these blog things running around, and youtube...what is a youtube anyways? iPods had become the biggest things since sliced bread (which must have been a pretty big thing. Think of what life was like before sliced bread...很不堪設想. but ever since the Bread Revolution the standard of living has increased dramatically. I wonder if the standard of living has increased because of iPods. I would guess yes.) I had no idea what a blog really was... and that was a little upsetting. Before I left I thought that I was on the edge of Technology. But when I came cell phone seemed to be really complicated, and people were writing computer code circles around me. Life seemed bleek. But through the persistent efforts of many, I too today have a blog.

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