Friday, August 31, 2007

Math is for more than just me.

Today I learned a very important lesson. Math is not fun....that is unless you are doing it with friends. Let me illustrate.

A lone student sits at the overly large table, with room for 5 or even 6 others to join him, yet there is no one. Fate, or shyness has dropped this poor soul by himself, trying to use the chain rule to derivate f(x)g(x), where f(x)=ln(x) and g(x)=1/(cot(x)sin(1/x)). Stress and strain are easily seen on his tear reddened face. Eraser shavings, and fallen hairs scatter the table top, seeming to account for the pain ridden seconds, or perhaps the number of started yet unanswered questions. The realization of this pathetic scene only adds to the weight carried upon his sagging shoulders. The only inkling of peace comes when remembering the joy his life had before Math so trecherously derivated his soul to peices, and even this thought is brought to a shattering end when the table next to his errupts into laughter after having completed yet another problem.

Now picture this.

The crowded table shook as the 6 students roared with laughter. The math puns, and laughs shared by these brave Mathematicians brought curious glances their way from the other students in the room. They did not care though, for the brain juices were flowing and the Math Gods were smiling favorably upon them that day. Shortly before they answered yet another of the homework questions, but not before having caught eachothers mistakes, and blunders, ensuring them of a decent grade in the class. Victory of another hurdle infused their veins with motivation and encouragement to tackle the next problem on the increasingly shorter excersize sheet. A moment of pity shadowed their glee when they noticed the lone student next to them, who seemed to be almost glaring at them from his worn like face.

There you have it folks. Now it is up to you to decide who you want to be. You can enjoy life, and math, in the company of friends and those who can help. Or you can choose to tackle all of life's difficulties by yourself. But remember this. Wise is the man who uses wisdom.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Riskin the Management

Hello there my adoring fans. Actually i don't think that anyone looks at this page. But you know I am over it now. At first I was a little hurt. But from within my hurt came a shining gleam of joy. If no one looks at it then, I can write whatever i want.
So I will indulge you...or myself with a little poetry.

Managing Risk, thats what its all about,
Fighting the risk
like a pack of upstream swimming trout.
waving my double clutched, two handed, risk devourer.
showerin the world with Risk Managing Power.
but that isn't all completely true.
I really am quite a peaceful fellow.
But don't go callin me Yellow.
Im just into the liking of the being of the nice, don't you?

P.S. Katie...There are better ones coming. Thanks for reading. Your a pal!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Family

My Family is the greatest thing that I have got. Leading this brave band of Meldrums is Grant Cluff Meldrum. What a trooper. There are numberless things to learn from him. This picture is His first Christmas with my Grandma. Grandma passed away last year. I wonder how much time people in the Spirit world get to watch us. Is it all the time, Or do they only get a visiting hour kind of thing. I hope they get to see us alot. That makes me feel like I am trying to make Grandma proud.

On the other side is Grandma and Grandpa Bush. (Do you say Grandma first? Or is it technically Grandpa and Grandma? I think that we have always put Grandma first. As well it should be!) They are wonderful. They hold up the fort down in Hurricane Utah, (which according to record has never seen a hurricane.) Thanks to their efforts we just had a wonderful Family Reunion. It was great. that is where almost all of these pictures are coming from. (my camera is dying. Hint hint Santa Clause) It was one of the Greatest weekends ever. So thank you Grandma and Grandpa.

Next up is Dad. 爸爸. What a guy. He is on top of everything. If you are ever in need, he'll come with the solution out ready to fly. He is one Smart Cookie. Craig Alan Meldrum be his name, arrr and ye best watch yer step round the likes of him. He'll mathmatized and efficientize circles round 'yer 'fore ye be able to cry out yer pythagorean theorym. And how cool is that. But don't ye fret. Thar' be a weakness he has. Yes... that bein' motorcylces. 'Tis true. But I like that weakness. In fact I am hopin that he lets me ride on his weakness. But Dad really is great. Taught me everything I know in fact. And I do believe that I have no money, independant of myself. So, Dad, I got your back. ( as long as you have mine)

Next up is the gooey stuff that holds us all together. That is, Mother of Course. Ronda Louis Bush Meldrum. No we don't think that we are related to President Bush. But we do have a life size cut out of him at the back end of our hall. (my hall that is. The one in my apartment.) Mothers aren't your normal everyday people, and my mother isn't your normal everyday mother. ( does that mean that she is a normal person. Because if you aren't a normal mother, which aren't normal people, then does the double negative cancel itself out and you become a normal person. I am going to go with a no on this one.) Mom uses ingredients when she cooks. She passed that skill on to my sisters. Where as i use prepackaged goodness (for example canned chili, leftover chili, chili from Lon's Cookin Shack...etc) Mom can sing like Karen Carpenter. She even looks like her, kinda...except for the anorexic part. But mom isn't fat, because she could drink whole milk if she wanted to. When I am lonely. I listen to the Carpenters and i think that Mom is singing to me. But when she is mad, it doesn't sound like singing anymore. More like the Song of the Sirens. Deadly. But she is pretty wonderful. Check out the four generations below. Love....Sweet Love.!!

Since the days of old, there has always been the older Sister. Her role is to protect, care for, and humble her younger siblings when mother isn't looking. Tiffiny is her name ( she is a finy not a fany.) Once upon a time Tiffany journeyed to the lands north ( Idaho) in search of an education, and her knight in Shining Graduation Robes. This dream was accomplished when she Married the Dashing David Hunsaker, and Tiffiny pushed her last name up into middle name status. But their journey was not at an end, for there lied ahead of them the bitter cold and windy Chicago land, and then on to conquer Real Estate in Columbus, Ohio, their current post. Whilst on this daring quest two young adventurers joined their small band. Anastasia Adell the sweet, and Ereland Sky the slightly new to this world, yet daring ( comes complete with a strong grip). Together these four have conquered many dangers such as Road Trips, Moving, Interior Design School, and Family Reunions. God Speed my brave adventurers.
Then it is me.

From deep within the humid jungles of Northern Siberia, comes the third young member of this clan. Born to, and raised with domesticated sloths, gives this member a unique characteristic (slow and dull). Breanna, also known as Breanna, sometimes breaks into fits of craziness. Rambling, singing, and playing her Ukulelee. Also very deadly. Despite the insanity, Breanna, also known as Banana, is really quite enjoyable. Me and her go way back. All the way back to when she was born. I can just see us now.....Wow...buddy. Currently she is tackling BYU alongside her Courageous Brother...Me. ("Push from the legs!!! Dig Dig Dig. Bring this BYU down!!!)

And her they come around turn number 4, its Streetmoney, closesly followed by Paul Revere and Blue Currey. Paul Revere is coming upfrom behind, wait no they are all tied up, blue currey, no street, no Paul, wait what is this from behind.... IT IS KATELIN. Yes Katelin is the track Pride and Joy of this Family. Running 2 miles in 11 minutes and 55 seconds, and singing at levels above 38 dBs is what she does best. Katelin is a talented girl. You should see all the medals she has got. One day I went into her room to talk to her, and her medal drawer was open....You could melt them and makes coins that would make a small country wealthier than they had thought was possible. In fact I hear that she is going to Donate some of these Medals to help save children with Iron deficiencies. Just pop one of those bad boys in you mouth and you'll get all the iron you need. She is kicking it in good 'ol Ponca City, fixin to be something great. You know them Oklahomans. Always fixin something.

And in Corner number 5, weighing in at 50 lbs, 3 oz, 3 ft tall, and full of enough energy to power the newly wealthy small Country of Ironmedalia, lets here it for SSSSSTTEEEEEEVVVEEEE ALAN MELDRUM. What a kid. Let me tell you what. This guy is the man. Me an' him are buds. Among Steven's better qualities are two very funny jokes. Actually there are only two. One is "knock, knock.....who's there?.... Ice Cream....Ice Cream who?..... I Scream Screamin for Ice Cream! hahaha." The other is...." Hey Brad....what's..(insert any object or the words Up doc.)....What Steve?....Nothin what's (previously said thing) with you? HAHAHA" This last one is my favorite. (I don't get it either.) But he is awesome. It was when this fine laddie came around that I got a brother. What a joy. I don't think that me and Dad coulda made it without ya Steve. A couple of Months ago, when I was living at home in Oklahoma, something that had never happend before happened. There were more boys in the house than girls. CRAZY. So here's to you Steve. I love you Kid.

I love you all. Thanks for being such an awesome Family.

The Elite

this is Anastasia. i think that she is pretty much the cutest little girl this world has ever seen. and i am not just saying that because she is my neice or for any family connection reasons.

the cuteness exhibited here is astounding, and reaches to levels that only some small children can acheive, and older humans can only reminisce about when they gaze upon children such as anastasia. they are the elite. the babies that have adorableness down to a science.

i mean you can't make this stuff up. and you haven't even seen her in action. especially when you put her and my little brother (who is a little 帥哥 himself.) together their powers are nigh uncontrollable. peoples hearts begin to melt, and the worlds peace o' meter shoots up.

the mind of a child is a beautiful thing. so innocent. and these elite know just the right way to smile, just what to say, just when to give you a little kiss, so that you will do what 'ere their little hearts desire.
to you, anastasia, i would give the world.

How it all began

Yesterday at work I was reading some of my friends blogs. They were pretty hilarious, and looked like something fun to do. So I decided to make one too. A blog is a neat thing. I was on a mission for the past 2 years, and when I came home, there were all these blog things running around, and youtube...what is a youtube anyways? iPods had become the biggest things since sliced bread (which must have been a pretty big thing. Think of what life was like before sliced bread...很不堪設想. but ever since the Bread Revolution the standard of living has increased dramatically. I wonder if the standard of living has increased because of iPods. I would guess yes.) I had no idea what a blog really was... and that was a little upsetting. Before I left I thought that I was on the edge of Technology. But when I came cell phone seemed to be really complicated, and people were writing computer code circles around me. Life seemed bleek. But through the persistent efforts of many, I too today have a blog.