Monday, November 5, 2007

For this was a moment that mattered,
When darkness shook, and the demons all clamored,
Seeking peace to destroy, and righteous to shatter.

The valiant man stood, clothing ripped and all tattered,
From fights that were fought, and trials he had battered
He spoke this reply, not a word of it stammered.
"You will not conquer, despite how you flatter,
Your efforts won't sway me, they’re only rain's patter."
Then marched he away, knowing that moment had mattered.

Everyday there are monsters to fight,
Villains to conquer, and dangerous plights,
Yet "Fear not," declares the Master of Right,
"Pray, Read Scriptures, Serve with all of your might,
For thou wilt conquer the Prince of the Night.
Know he will try your weakness to bite
But dark has no power when you stay in the light.
Lean on my arm, and succumb not to fright."
I will guide thee through this terrible blight.