Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Once Upon A Time....

We are sorry. In all of our excitement we forgot that not everyone knows out background.

So here it is from the beginning....

(Brad's tale)

The day I was born, it was very cold. It's like that feeling when you are swimming for a long time, and then you get out....and it is bitter cold. Yeah like that.

But skipping ahead. I was serving a mission in Taiwan Taipei, and was minding my own buisness when, the Lord sent me to train a wonderful Elder. I went to the training meeting then met my new companion. But not before I would meet my future companion. That is to say that me and my companion were one of the last to find out where we were going, is always the case....ladies first. The sister missionaries found out their companions first. And one of the new sisters was...quite frankly...and lets be honest....drop dead gorgeous. I couldn't help but think that our paths would cross again. As it turns out...that was my dearest Rachel Smith.

Ok so I didn't really think that... but I did notice her, and thought that she was going to be a Fantastic missionary. We ran into eachother a couple of other times throughout our missions, but never served together. I always respected her, and enjoyed her testimony, at Zone Conferences. But there wasn't much contact till we got home. Which was about the same time. ( only about 6 weeks apart.)

Now for the better half of this tale.

Monday, April 14, 2008


They don't stand a chance....not against me...Bradley Meldrum....World reknown...

They are going down...These three weeks are history.